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14. DMT; the pineal gland produces a hallucinogen  - DMT or dimethyltryptamine, * at advanced stages of meditation. This can also be extracted from some plants and is closely related to tryptamines found in fungi, and it facilitates communication with extra-dimensional life-forms known as "self-transforming machine-elves", according to Terence McKenna. These creatures have stated that the "laws of physics will be transformed around 2012".      * plus hallucinogenic beta-carbolines, such as Pinoline

  Mushroom stones. C. 1998. J. M. Jenkins     The pineal gland. The Opening of the Third Eye; Douglas Baker. C. 1977. The Aquarian Press      Mushroom stone from Guatemala. C. 1998. J. M. Jenkins

Mushroom stones that resemble psilocybin-containing mushrooms                       Pineal   gland                               Mushroom stone from from ....................................................................................................................................................................................................Guatemala circa 300 BC


15. ET Contact; Jon King - editor of the late great UFO Reality magazine*, had several "contactee" experiences between 1980 and 1984, in which he encountered humanoid ETs in a parallel dimension. They told him that a large triangular area of South-West England, centred on Barbury Castle, would be receiving "energy codings" to prepare humanity for ET contact between 1998 and 2013, by which time the dimensional shift will have occurred. See News Flash.                    * (Growing Needs still have some copies - see esp. issues 4, 7,& 8) 

     The Aquarian Triangle. UFO Reality Issue 7. C. 1996. UFO Reality               The Schedule. UFO Reality Issue 4. C. 1996. UFO Reality

                                 Jon King's Aquarian Triangle.....................................................The Schedule (from UFO Reality's TUMI column)

16. Crop Circles; crop circles started being noticed by the world at large in 1980, and their numbers began to accelerate in 1985. They would seem to be Jon King's "energy codings", since they definitely clustered in his "Aquarian Triangle" - an area full of sacred sites. In July 1991,  Barbury Castle had a stunning triangular formation which looked like the Aquarian Triangle, and was described by Brian Grist as "an alchemical Mandelbrot set". Then, within a month, we had the Mandelbrot set itself, which arrived at Ickleton, in Cambridgeshire. The original fractal, this is a pictorial representation of a complex equation to describe systems with a hierarchy of repeating patterns. The Mandelbrot-fractal formations indicate the significance of 2012, as it has been identified as the terminal point in a Mandelbrot-fractal* timewave system; see next item.  (*ref: Robert Anton Wilson's Trajectories Newsletter No.7)                                                         

                                           The Barbury Castle Pictogram. 17/7/91. C. 1991. Richard Wintle/Calyx Photo Services         

                                                             The Barbury Castle Pictogram 17/7/91 


                  The mandelbrot Fractal. C. 1987. James Gleick                                  The Ickleton Mandelbrot formation. C. 1992. Gateway Books

                The Mandelbrot Fractal    (see Chaos by James Gleick)                             The Ickleton Mandelbrot formation.


                                                                View Mandelbrot crop formation:      3    4     5    6

                                                    Three interactive Mandelbrot fractals: 1      2      3


17. Timewave Zero (now TW1); the fractal timewave system in question was discovered by Terence McKenna and his brother Dennis. A complex computer analysis of the I Ching revealed a hierarchy of 26  timewaves, (each one 64 times larger than the one below), which govern the unfolding of events in the universe. When converted into a single fractal wave, and mapped against history, the graph peaks in 2012. This was first discovered before the McKennas had heard of the Mayan Great Cycle or its end point. It has since been criticized by a British mathematician named Mathew Watkins, but it was checked by another  mathematician and nuclear  fusion specialist – John Sheilak - using vector analysis. Sheilak confirmed that there was an error, but it was correctable, and the result is a timewave which fits history even better, and terminates on December 21 2012. 

    The 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching, in the King Wen sequence         Timewave Zero; the last 62 years of the wave. C. 1993, Dennis J. McKenna & Terence K. McKenna     

  ....    The King Wen Sequence of the I Ching produces a timewave with repeating patterns at various levels of thehierarchy (see below). The eschaton mathematically formalized. C.1975, 1993. Dennis J. McKenna & Terence K. McKenna

                         The complex I Ching- tri-level wave and Timewave that is derived from it, showing its fractal nature

18. Critical Mass; Peter Russell says that as world population approaches the critical number of 10 thousand million, we could suddenly find ourselves functioning on a new level, as cells in a global brain, (there are ten thousand million atoms in a neuron and ten thousand million neurons in the human cortex). He analyses the acceleration of human knowledge, notices the coincidence between the end of the Mayan Great Cycle and the end of the timewave of McKenna, and sees it as a likely consciousness shift-point.

  Evolutionary quantum leaps. The White Hole in Time. C. 1992. Peter Russell                         Inner development overtakes other industries. The White Hole in Time. C. 1992. Peter Russell

                Evolution as a series of sudden transitions                                                        Projected growth curve of population working in     .............................................................................................................................................................................the field of inner development             

            Evolutionary acceleration. The White Hole in Time. C. 1992. Peter Russell                                 Evolutionary acceleration pt.2. The White Hole in Time. C. 1992. Peter Russell       

  Evolution as the World Trade Centre skyscraper - the last 2000 years is the layer of paint on the top - showing evolutionary acceleration


                                          The Strange Attractor - the plughole at the end of time. The White Hole In Time. C. 1992. Peter Russell

                      Evolution as an inward-turning spiral in which each successive circuit is accomplished in a shorter time 

19. Information Doubling; Robert  Anton Wilson's analysis of history involved  graphing the time taken for information to double. The first doubling took 40,000 years, up to the Bronze Age. By 1990 it was doubling every 18 months. He says that it seems to be a fractal and admits that McKenna’s fractal fits his own survey data quite well, but is loath to say more than that.

                                                      The information explosion.  Prometheus Rising. C. 1983. Robert Anton Wilson  

Information-doubling-time acceleration


20.    Pi  in the Sky; This is a book by Michael Poynder in which he said that the Stone Age priesthood used to work with, and manipulate the Earth’s energy grid. They knew about the 22-year binary sunspot cycle, and they used  the value of pi  - 22 over 7 - in the layout of many sacred sites. In 3114 BC, at the end of the last Great Cycle, the Winter Solstice sun entered the cairns through polarising crystal windows, accelerating the “auric body” of the cairn, and creating an extra-dimensional UFO. The priests have time-traveled in their UFOs to the present time, to communicate via crop circles, that we should raise our consciousness for 2012.      Sunspot loop. Pi in the Sky. C. 1992. Michael Poynder.       Druidic sunspot collar. Pi In The Sky. C. 1992. Michael Poynder   ................................................................................................................................................................Gold Druidic collar with 2 x 11 dots (2 x 11     .........................................The formation of a magnetic sunspot loop ..................................    .=sunspot cycle) over 7 semicircles (22/7 =  Pi)  

                                                                             Auric body of cairn into UFO. Pi In The Sky. C. 1992. Michael Poynder

                                                                   Auric body of cairn becomes a UFO