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Online translators: translate web-pages plus links:

Google Translate

  Worldlingo translation page Including Dutch, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Chinese. This one has a "translate the rest of the page" option, on large pages.

If you still have a translation problem, go here.



(R)EVOLUTION 2012 - (Revolution): Warum die Menschheit vor einem Evolutionssprung steht Sep 2009
by Dieter Broers (Author) or from Amazon UK

Checkliste 2012: Sieben Strategien, wie Sie die Krise in Ihre Chance Verwandeln Oct 2009
by Dieter Broers (Author) or from Amazon UK

2012 - Endzeit und Neuanfang: Die Botschaften der Mayas by Walter-Jörg Langbein (Author) Sep 2009 or from Amazon UK

2012 ¿El Fin Del Mundo? (Spanish Edition) by Carlos Ferreira Published July 3 2009 or from Amazon UK

2012 - Das Gottpartikel öffnet sich (German Edition) by Bernd Thoma Published September 24 2009 or from Amazon UK


2012 - Film und Legende (German Edition) ~ Birte Lazan (Editor) July 17, 2009 or from Amazon UK

El Misterio Del 2012 (Spanish Edition) (Spanish Edition) June 30, 2009 or from Amazon UK

Las claves del 2012 (Spanish Edition) Alexander Fowler (Author) January 11, 2009 or from Amazon UK

Nostradamus Maya 2012: Mas alla de la profecia maya del apocalipsis (Spanish Edition) ~ Spencer Carter (Author) June 1, 2010 or from Amazon UK



Non-English 2012 Titles - cut and paste title into Amazon search http://www.amazon.com/

2012. Khroniki smutnogo vremeni by: E. Zubarev 2008

Voiny kreativa. Glavnaia kniga 2008-2012 (in Russian) by: Unknown author 2008

Kod maiia: 2012 by: A. Skott 2008

Oshibka " 2012 ". Igra nipochem by: M. Semenova 2008

Der Hundertjährige Kalender 2008-2012 by: Wolf-Dietmar Unterweger September 30, 2007

2012 Decode - La Theorie De La Dissolution (French Edition) by: Peter Lovat

2012 La puerta (Spanish Edition) by: Eduardo Versi September 01, 2008

El Proyecto Gaia 2012 by Hwee-Yong Jang

2012 El despertar de la humanidad (Spanish Edition) by: Luis Oscoy May 01, 2008

Preparados Para El 2012? by: Autores Varios September 02, 2008

Maya 2012 by: Peter Ruppel January 01, 2008

2012. Khroniki smutnogo vremeni by: E. Zubarev 2008

Oshibka " 2012 ". Igra nipochem by: M. Semenova 2008

Voiny kreativa. Glavnaia kniga 2008-2012 (in Russian) by: Unknown author 2008


Non-English 2012-sites & book




Geoff Stray
Voorbij 2012
Een volledig overzicht van eindtijdvoorspellingen

Volgens de oude kalender van de Maya eindigt de wereld zoals we die kennen in 2012. Wat zeggen de Maya-profetieën precies en zijn in andere culturen soortgelijke voorspellingen te vinden? In hoeverre worden de profetieën geschraagd door de moderne wetenschap? Wat kunnen we werkelijk tegemoet zien in 2012? Een ding is duidelijk: we leven in een periode die van groot belang is voor de mensheid en de Aarde. Dat zegt niet alleen de Maya-kalender, maar blijkt ook uit profetieën en eindtijdverwachtingen van andere volkeren. Voorbij 2012 beschrijft ze kritisch en gedetailleerd en gaat ook in op de aard van de veranderingen die ons te wachten staan: zijn ze eerder materieel of spiritueel, dat wil zeggen fysiek waarneembaar of meer op bewustzijnsniveau? Voorbij 2012 is een onmisbaar naslagwerk voor iedereen die zich een beeld wil vormen van de grote overgang en de betekenis van deze tijd voor de hele mensheid.

Een onmisbaar naslagwerk voor iedereen die zich een duidelijk beeld wil vormen van de vele profetieën rond 2012

GEOFF STRAY verdiepte zich meer dan twintig jaar in het 2012-verhaal en andere eindtijdverwachtingen. Hij houdt internationaal lezingen over 2012 en is de bedenker en webmaster van de 2012-website www.diagnosis2012.co.uk.


¿Final del juego?
Según el calendario maya, "nuestro mundo de odio y materialismo terminará el 21 de diciembre de 2012". ¿Se viene el Apocalipsis? Estudiosos del tema, hablan sobre esta fecha bisagra.

APOCALIPSIS 2012 by David Walker NEW!!

(a book in Spanish)

Another Dutch 2012 site: http://www.goto2012.nl


From Lulu Books:


La Piedra Ágata
by Marc Lobato Pagès
Año 2012. Un importante suceso inexplicable ocurre: un extraño círculo luminoso aparece encima de varios barrios de una ciudad en medio de la noche. Tras unos segundos de incertidumbre el círculo invierte su luz y deja todo en la más profunda oscuridad. En ese instante centenares de personas desaparecen de las calles con un destino incierto, dejando sólo los rastros de su ausencia. Una vidente, un informático, una periodista y un agente del gobierno investigarán para descubrir la verdad y vivir una experiencia que podría cambiar sus vidas, y las del resto de la humanidad, para siempre. La Piedra Ágata combina de forma ágil elementos de misterio, intriga, ciencia ficción, filosofía, informática, acción y religión resultando en una historia fácil de leer sin restar un ápice de su profundidad inherente.



new Dutch 2012 site: http://www.vortex2012.com


Synetica 2012 (Paperback)
by Patrice Vassy (Author)

Book Description
Synetica 2012. Scénario pour la fin d'un monde. (in english after) Au travers d'un roman, d'un thriller captivant et envoûtant, l'Humanité découvre ses origines peu avant les grands bouleversements de l'an 2012. Une synthèse de nos connaissances et de notre histoire, projetée dans un récit d'anticipation qui va nous faire prendre conscience de notre réalité et nous ouvrir les portes d'un avenir possible.

Synetica 2012. Script for the end of a world. Through a novel, of an enthralling and bewitching thriller, humanity discovers its origins shortly before the big distresses of the year 2012. A synthesis of our knowledge and our history, intended in an anticipatory narration that is going to make us to become aware of our reality and to open us the doors of a possible future. We need a voluntary French / English translator, with profit-sharing on the sale of the book in the Anglo-Saxon countries. Thank's


Die Lichtfamilie. Lehren für die kommenden Jahre bis 2012
Barbara Marciniak

The light family. Theories for the coming years until 2012


Don Eric und die Maya. 23. Dezember 2012. Werden die Götter wiederkommen?
von Mario Krygier, Jens Rohark


coming in Jun 2006: 2012: Die kommende Zeitwende und das Goldene Zeitalter. Prophetische Visionen zur Gegenwart und Zukunft
von Tibor Zelikovics

2012: The coming time turn and the golden age. Prophetic visions to the present and future


Zeitenwende 2012. Der Kalender und die Prophezeiungen der Mayas. Zur Zeit in Kurzform als Update zu "Die Kommende Zeitenwende..." kostenlos erhältlich
von Tibor Zelikovics
Turn of an era 2012. The calendar and the prophecies of the Mayas. At present in short form as updates to "the coming turn of an era..." free of charge available from Tibor


Ultime frontière : The Next Point 2012
de Noah Jacobson

First of all Ultime Border is a work of honesty, sincerity and testifying to an authentic research as well spiritual as scientific. The author spent twelve years to continue investigations near spiritual groups and of large scientists, and it will have was necessary it to him all this time as well as a deep maturation to make it possible Noah Jacobson to be able to advance its conclusions. These last will seem extraordinary for much, but does one have to refuse the extraordinary one for what it is? Does one have to reject the incredible one because it worries? Not (!) and Jacobson in its irremediable search of the direction, returns to their study, so much the rationalists, who are it only of name, that illuminated of good company, with elegance and style. Going much further in precision and authenticity that celebrates it Da Vinci Code, Ultime Border is interested in the true secrecies of our world, those which relate to our origins and our to become. Ultime Frontière is built starting from the structure of the ADN to arrive at the heart of the true secrecy of Léonard de Vinci, a secrecy expressing the geometrical quintessence of the observable universe. But there is more and without higher bid! The investigation of Jacobson related to extremely concrete phenomena and its conclusion is without call: a synergy even occurs in this moment, implying certain processes of a completely physical nature, which forecast very "great probability has so that they are the signs of an event equipped with a great impact on our environment. And 2012 are not any more very far! These very powerful phenomena which take place in this precise moment, are of a completely physical nature and JACOBSON isolates from it three large components, which the scientists and the governments, are unaware of in a case and seek to control in the second. It in one of these phenomena is regarded as a kind of acupuncture planetary, by Jacobson, that the new model of an Alive Ground will take its rise. Jacobson is not satisfied to present a new part of the puzzle or to make extraordinary predictions with the image of certain prophets the bad one forecasts, on the contrary it tries to assemble the puzzle in a coherent whole, within the framework of a true saving dash of the reason and love... Jacobson shows in a clear way after the rigorous synthesis of the scientific great minds, in what our Ground could be well a form of living organism, which probably exists in several dimensions. Ultimate border is a book swarming with the ideas most dared and most pointed on physics, biology, astronomy and cosmology, the whole accessible to the greatest number. Ultime Frontière is a genuine literary UFO, and it will literally make you plunge in the heart of another dimension of the space time, for your larger good!


Näher als Sie denken!. Sie und 2012!
von Nick Armstrong
Nearer than you think! It and 2012.


Antaris. Ein Tag auf der Erde im Jahr 2012
von Robert KendelPseud.
 Antaris. One day on earth in the year 2012 by Robert Kendel  Pseud


Entwicklungen für ein neues Jahrtausend. Timeship Earth - Die Zeit bis 2012 nach dem Maya-Kalender. Kornkreise - Tor in die 4. Dimension. Die Öffnung des ... des 11.9.2001 und weiteren Folgen
von Wolfgang Wiedergut

Developments for a new millenium. Timeship Earth - the time until 2012 of the Maya calendar. Cropcircles - gate into the 4th Dimension. The opening... 11/9/2001 and further consequences


Japanese: Prophecy to earth -2012 year of impact Mori Kisida


Au coeur de l'amour


Au coeur de l'amour  (Collection 2012) de Sananda

The Heart of love (2012 Collection)


and Adonaï : Tome 2, Au coeur de l'amour
de Sanansa





Ultime frontière : The Next Point 2012
de Noah Jacobson

Ultime frontière : The Next Point 2012

First of all Ultime Border is a work of honesty, sincerity and testifying to an authentic research as well spiritual as scientific. The author spent twelve years to continue investigations near spiritual groups and of large scientists, and it will have was necessary it to him all this time as well as a deep maturation to make it possible Noah Jacobson to be able to advance its conclusions. These last will seem extraordinary for much, but does one have to refuse the extraordinary one for what it is? Does one have to reject the incredible one because it worries? Not (!) and Jacobson in its irremediable search of the direction, returns to their study, so much the rationalists, who are it only of name, that illuminated of good company, with elegance and style. Going much further in precision and authenticity that celebrates it Da Vinci Code, Ultime Border is interested in the true secrecies of our world, those which relate to our origins and our to become. Ultime Frontière is built starting from the structure of the ADN to arrive at the heart of the true secrecy of Léonard de Vinci, a secrecy expressing the geometrical quintessence of the observable universe. But there is more and without higher bid! The investigation of Jacobson related to extremely concrete phenomena and its conclusion is without call: a synergy even occurs in this moment, implying certain processes of a completely physical nature, which forecast very "great probability has so that they are the signs of an event equipped with a great impact on our environment. And 2012 are not any more very far! These very powerful phenomena which take place in this precise moment, are of a completely physical nature and JACOBSON isolates from it three large components, which the scientists and the governments, are unaware of in a case and seek to control in the second. It in one of these phenomena is regarded as a kind of acupuncture planetary, by Jacobson, that the new model of an Alive Ground will take its rise. Jacobson is not satisfied to present a new part of the puzzle or to make extraordinary predictions with the image of certain prophets the bad one forecasts, on the contrary it tries to assemble the puzzle in a coherent whole, within the framework of a true saving dash of the reason and love... Jacobson shows in a clear way after the rigorous synthesis of the scientific great minds, in what our Ground could be well a form of living organism, which probably exists in several dimensions. Ultimate border is a book swarming with the ideas most dared and most pointed on physics, biology, astronomy and cosmology, the whole accessible to the greatest number. Ultime Frontière is a genuine literary UFO, and it will literally make you plunge in the heart of another dimension of the space time, for your larger good!

Don Eric und die Maya. 23. Dezember 2012. Werden die Götter wiederkommen?

Don Eric und die Maya. 23. Dezember 2012. Werden die Götter wiederkommen?
von Mario Krygier, Jens Rohark

Don Eric and the Maya. 23. December 2012. Will the Gods come back?



Barbara Marciniak


Book in Italaian:


21 Dicembre 2012 (Paperback) by  Adami Alessio

21 Dicembre 2012

"The world is ending, the prophecies and the prophets overlap one another in search of varied justifications. The world is divided or it is alienated. The world is removed or it is approached to the belief. Of the factions they live approach it of the proper apocalypse their. Two men know. And all you will read prophecies never seen. Alessio Adami presents a rich world of characters in his writing,  ruthless and damned real. The umpteenth epileptic production of Alessio Adami: 21 December 2012. "




Book in Spanish

Profecias Mayas

Profecias Mayas by Dario Bermudez (click on picture)



Book in Portuguese:

2012: O Fim Anunciado (The Announced End) by Marcelo Utumi



French 2012 site:

Silver-Wolves.Com - 2012 - The Awakening - [ Translate this page ]



French 2012 page:

21 decembre 2012 le point zero - [ Translate this page ]


Revelations of 2012 book English translation

この書籍の注文先 Revelations 2012 - the end prediction which finally is deciphered

Another Japanese 2012 book (click on cover for Japanese version)


Revelations of 2012 website (Japanese)  English translation



JESUS-He is Coming in 2012

A book in Greek by Efstathios Theodossis:

"This book is a result of a research which covered 8 years and it was based on scientific study regarding the fulfilment of biblical prophesies."


  Massive Dutch 2012 links page  English translation

  Another Dutch 2012 Links Page English translation 


Operation 2012.

Operation 2012 (ISBN:3931801322)
Hartmann, Grit; Jeske, Cornelia; Weinreich, Jens



Book in French (secondhand):

2012 - INSURRECTION by Liam O'Flaherty

Galakticka transformace 2012 by "Jenkins Jo."

from a secondhand bookseller in the Czech Republic: This is Galactic Alignment by John Major Jenkins - the newly translated version just released in the Czech Republic


OOG 2012  translation GRAPPLE

The miraculous forecasts of the Maya's for the year 2012


Belgian site: De Cirkel or rough English translation (updated)

Site of Jan Loenders, organiser of the 2012 Symposium, Belgium, 2003. CDs of talks available.

Chanelled French book:

Le Temps des Maîtres : Transmis pas Marlice d'Allance

The Time of the Masters: 2012 Transmitted by Marlice d'Allance

Le Temps des Maîtres :2012: Transmis par Marlice d'Allance

"Because we are rather numerous to have asked that the divine Light return on the Earth and that our Father heard us, we enter now the Time of the Masters. "Times such as you knew them touch at their end. A new era and a new Ground are about to be born. You awake and take part in this birth. Do it immediately, not the next week or even tomorrow. Soon it will be too late. "" The time of the Masters is your time more than ours. And for this reason we are at your sides, loans to be been useful to you, with the least gesture, with the least call, while waiting to celebrate by a festival as you never saw your return to the Hearth of it." Maitreya 

  German book:

Antaris. One day on earth in the year 2012 (translated)
by Robert Kendel

or...original German page: Antaris. Ein Tag auf der Erde im Jahr 2012

  Japanese book:

Revelations 2012 - the end prediction which finally is deciphered (translated)

or...original Japanese page:  デイ・オブ・オメガポイント―2012年12月22日人類最終到達の日

"2012 December 22nd, today civilization faces its end, the earth and mankind rise in dimension. Through the verification of numerous end predictions, it makes the future image of the earth and humanity clear, it appeals "poult type" of the world what Japanese mission which is."

Table of contents
Fire house compilation you will look straight the reaching the limits phenomenon of today's society
You measured with the your stall compilation money, "affluence" was the mirage
The stupor compilation today the catastrophe of civilization is not avoided already
We being to be tried do in awakening compilation end phenomenon
In order to aim "the child of desired compilation toward light", oh with the certain prescription which is surprised
The prophecy regarding prophecy compilation end (prediction) making clear God it tried doing


 Japanese book:

Prophecy to earth -2012 year of impact (translated)

by Mori Kisida

in Japanese: 地球への預言―2012年の衝撃



  Japanese book:

The large prediction of Maya's - book of truth mook of "2012 terrestrial fall" (translated)

by Yoichi Hirakawa

in Japanese: マヤの大予言―「2012年・地球滅亡」の真相    ムックの本

"The prediction book it is seen in "チラム, revives from midst of the flame バラム" which and myth "the terrestrial fall theory by the asteroid" and to the destiny etc. which is thrust "2012 December 22nd" mankind, releasing the scenario of the impact to which the civilization Mayan civilization which is lost leaves."

Table of contents
1st chapter it was deciphered finally "Mayan prediction"
The 2nd chapter Mayan prediction book informs, "end of history"
3rd chapter "2012" - the destiny which expects the mankind
4th chapter Nostradamus, ' Revelations of ヨハネ ' with we fear the agreement point which the る should
The 5th chapter Mayan person had predicted the fall of the self
The day when 6th chapter God comes again to the ground

  Japanese book:

The Day of Omega Point on 22nd December 2012: Mankind's Final Destination  (translated)

by Watanabe 

or in Japanese: デイ・オブ・オメガポイント―2012年12月22日人類最終到達の日


"Omega to be the last sign of the Greek letter, as for meaning, end; ultimate. Our mankind enters the day "Omega point" of last arrival in 2012. The various convulsions of nature etc. which occur from the flow of time and as a phenomenon, the advance which faces in that day is read."

Table of contents
1 enormous planetary ニビル approach (the Vatican and astronomical observation
The state of emergency advice of 2003 United States
Solar system 10th planetary other than puzzle)
Encounter with 2 photons belt (the accident which occurs with the solar system all planet
Cause of dramatic change of space scale
Prediction other than Hitler as a psychic)
Age of special interview conversion and mankind (Watanabe extending bright vs.D bit ウィルコ


  Japanese book: (not yet available)


Solar Code by Echan Deravy 

 Nibiru Will Be Here in 2012, and It Will Bring Death, Destruction and Evolution

"The most popular speaker on Nibiru and related topics in Japan is author Echan Deravy.  In the course of researching his latest book Solar Code, he concludes that Nibiru, or some other large object, will enter the core of our solar system in 2012 and cause widespread death and destruction through its interaction with our Sun.  It is his contention that our Sun (which comprises 98.8% of the mass of our solar system and is in a frenzy) will trigger a polar flip of the Earth with the passing of Nibiru.  During this time, he also predicts a significant evolutionary event for humankind; one that will be influenced by the non-coding, extraterrestrial DNA within us; a hidden part of the human blueprint he calls the Solar Code." 

from the Yowusa archive



Dutch 2012 article:

Maya's voorspelden al lang geleden:
Het jaar 2012 wordt een omslagpunt

ENGLISH: Mayas predicted an era of suffering: The year 2012 becomes a break-even point


De Maya-profetieen by Wiek Lenssen (ENGLISH: The Maya Prophecies)

Wiek Lenssen made the film Year Zero (see 2012 Video page) and this is the book about the making of the film.

Pour se libérer de la matrice by Claude Traks (in French)

Getting Out of the Matrix

The third book by Claude Traks, who organised the Objectif 2012 Conference. His two previous books are clearly about 2012 (see below) and this seems to be, but I haven't found a review yet.

Claude Traks speaks to us thus about his new work: "This book is intended exclusively for the beings who want to make their Spiritual Career an absolute priority. I would advise the merely curious to abstain from reading it. Indeed, once this information in your possession, you will have no choice but to become a Warrior or an Artisan in the service of the Light. This will automatically include major upheavals in your life, in your relations with your family and the external world. Once the book is read, there will be no more half-measures. See whether, by reading these lines, a small flame lights up in your heart, or not... If this is not the case, do not read it! What it is: I propose that you question yourself deeply, and apply these questions to your everyday situation, and at the same time, put firmly in your head that the way towards évolution, and ascension towards a really Humane Humanity is a steep climb, which therefore requires efforts.



Recherche du message des dauphins ou l'Hypothèse cétacés : Ou comment on en est arrivé là et Comment s'en sortir par Claude Traks (in French)

The Search for the message of the dolphins or the Cetacean Hypothesis: Or how one arrived from there and How to get out by Claude Traks 

NEW!! Free online version in google English   New!!  Free online version in French

A mix of these authors: Sitchin, Frissell, Drunvalo, Steiner and Hurtak with these subjects: Sirius/Dogon story, Photon belt, Nibiru, Atlantis, Pyramids, Jesus, Akhenaton, Lucifer Greys, Sirians, Pleiadians, Indigo children, and the assurance that if you get as far as the end of chapter five, you will be in the family of light (!). Traks gets his pyramid shafts confused at the start of the first chapter (p.2)

"This book is particularly disconcerting due to the truths which it states about human behavior, or rather, those that humanity should have, namely that of being in agreement with its true nature. On the evolutionary thread, man has moved away from Nature. This book compares our society with that of the dolphins on which we would be well advised to model our own. But what is most disconcerting in this book is the author's  answer to the question in the title. His theory on the story of humanity since the its first arrival is far from Darwin's theory, but is based on the very ancient legends of several primitive cultures that were very distant from each other, with no means of communication, but which actually speak about the same thing...This is not the first trial of Humanity and the people of planet Cetus who are of course  cetaceans, though different from our own, have been deeply involved with our evolution and are still involved.  From the Maya of Peru (!!) to the aborigines of Australia, one year comes up again and again: 2012  (really worrying!). The author develops an incredible theory but which does hold water! A must-read for those which do not want to miss the boat in 2012."

Turning Point 2012: A Mystical Novel              Wendepunkt 2012 : Ein Mystischer Roman 

by Gerard Batik and Vivien Rose

When Michaela Pal, a young Psychologst, decides to take  time-out for a year,  to learn about the mysteries of esoteric consciousness, she becomes daily more entangled into a series of  mysterious events. A vision leads her into an eerie, forested mountain landscape, where she encounters  strange humans at a hidden location. Here, it became clear that she had been selected by Jenseitigen for a task connected with the Revealing of the Survival Teachings for the year 2012. Dark forces, like the Grand Master of a lodge and a secret enclave of the church, try to intervene in the happening. When the young Psychologist, with Jenseitiger's assistance and an ancient  ritual from the researches of a Druid, acquires prophetic abilities, she seems to be possessed by a young witch and a time traveller, who agrees with Jenseitigen on the Day of Announcing and the best way of preparing for battle with dark forces.


Jenkins, Einde van de Mayakalender

Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 now available in Dutch!



Geryl & Ratinckx's Orion Prophecy now available in  Polish & Spanish (see Dire Gnosis review)




  Spirit 2012: French New age site...              or in English: Spirit 2012


Entretiens 2012: French ascension site...             or in English: Talks 2012



2012: Appointment With Marduk by Burak Eldem

Book in Turkish, published July 2003, to be followed by editions in other languages...the site has a series of articles in English, explaining the theory.

A giant planet, lurking in the depths of our solar system, evolves around the sun in 3661 earthly years... Ancient Sumerians called it NI.BI.RU, "The Planet Of Crossing"... Babylonian astronomers honoured it with the name of their mighty god, MARDUK... In Ancient Egypt, it was called "The Planet of Millions of Years"... Every orbital passage of this huge celestial body, caused catastrophes on the Earth: The last passage was on 1649 BC, when our old world suffered a series of calamities, including the Thera eruption... This giant planet was encoded as "The Beast Number 666" in St. John's Revelation... And now, as the Maya astronomers had already predicted, it will return towards the end of 2012!


  11:11 and 2012  Forum in German



  2012 Unlimited : A Rotterdam, Holland based site - apparently no connection with the Australian 2012 Unlimited, except for the assumption that we are in the last 25 years of a 26,000-year cycle that will culminate in cultural, political, spiritual, ecological and geological changes.



What Did the Maya Know? A book in Dutch by Peter Toonen (who is a follower of Jose Arguelles' Dreamspell)

untranslated: Wat wisten de Maya's?

"Just in this time slowly truth meaning comes up of the most important inheritance of the Maya's: the Tzolk'in, the calendar rounds of 260 days, composed from 13 tones and 20 signs, which in fact Pleiadische a calendar proves be, with a relation to the ancient Chinese I Ching and the DNA in our body.

Our current (technological) civilisation started wide 5.000 years suffered in Egypt and Sumerië. That what we as "the history" to consider, appears have suffered than thousand years very nauwgezet already more has been defined by the Maya's, as the fifth and last part of a "large interview", which almost 26.000 years have started suffered. This last part has started according to them in 3113 v.C. and will finish at the end of the year 2012. The last (contemporary) turbulent period of this part is called the period of "the transformation of the matter" and will lead to to go together of material earthly living with the fourth dimension. Mother ground will be linked with Hunab K'u: the centre of the galaxy.

When we examine what knew the Maya's, we let us arrive in the old Egypt, but also in Atlantis. We make knowledge with "the nine dimensions", the refined maths of the old Maya's and their ongelooflijke knowledge of the astronomy and the geometry of the time.

What knew the Maya's is a book concerning how our higher himself by means of our human body is linked with the cycles of the maan, ground, sun and the Pleiaden and of from that with all cycles in the whole galaxy. That is what knew the Maya's and about which them has our possibly correct now much to tell, because spiritualiteit and science for them were."


Natural Time a book in Dutch by Peter Toonen (who is a follower of Jose Arguelles' Dreamspell)

untranslated De Natuurlijke Tijd

"This book discusses the practical functioning and duiding for use in now, of the thirteen manen year calendar (the ' Tun Uc ') and the galactic calendar (the ' Tzolkin '), the two most important calendars of the traditional Maya's. By the discovery of the law of time Dr. José Argüelles, which could decode these from the heritage of the old Maya's, have been possible weerwerken we for some years again with the calendars of the natural time.

Van Peter shows did Petiet appear the book WHAT KNEW the MAYA'S in 1997, at publisher?, in which he does extended report of its speurtocht to the knowledge of the old Maya's and what they can learn our in now.
In its newest book the writer leaves - beside vast technical descriptions - see tevens in a lot of personal impressions, how also life own is proved to be themselves and appears unfold according to the synchronous order, the order in the time which is not only but linear. As a result, its second book a very unique, living and recognizable relaas has become. In the last chapters becomes clear that this book a type practical calendar workbook with personal examples is not only; it shows also how we according to the law of time now live in a time of ultimate transformation, and that this large transformation a natural step is, both in the increase process of our solar system and also in our own lives. The eventual aim end will be 2012 reached: the large jump to entity conscience, a jump in which we play all their own role. The time originates from the field of the spirit. A natural (not-mechanical) calendar - with in this a galactic calendar - will do remind our eventually to ours original, mental source.

Peter showing (Hilvarenbeek 1958) was o.a. linked as a fixed staff member to the centre for intuitive and creative development (CICO) in Utrecht and since 1985 operative in the area of aura reading and healing. He studied andragogie to r.U. in Utrecht, and he works at present as a writer/journalist for several illustrated magazines, and as aura reader. The last years is he especially active with readings and workshops concerning intuitive development, aardeheling and the functioning of the calendars of the natural time."



2012. The Invasion - Last Combat. A Visionary Fiction novel 

A novel in German by Bernd Leischke

alternative; 2012 - The Invasion. Last Combat

untranslated: 2012. Die Invasion - das letzte Gefecht. Ein Visionary Fiction Roman.

2012: The Maya must leave their homeland planet. They decide for the over-populated earth. But the Maya wants those the planets for itself alone... The president of the United States of America closes an agreement that its rights and the less previligerter politicians and industrieller as well as sizes from the social life remain protected.
But it unconditionally cooperates with the Maya... Only one handful of couragierter men and a woman oppose the new rulers. And everything comes nevertheless differently...
A novel, which may perhaps change world history in the near future, if the calendar of the Maya ends to 2012. A esoterischer Visionary Fiction novel with very much Action, in addition, humor.



When it clicks, you can see the enlargement pictureアセンション Truth of the Photon Belt for December 22nd 2012

alternative: アセンション for truth - 2012 December 22nd of photon belt

untranslated: フォトン・ベルトの真相―20121222日のためのアセンション

- a book in Japanese by Echan Deravy and Aichi ...?


"Day 2012 December 22nd terrestrial last moment", as for the method where mankind can survive you say that アセンション (is just rise of humanity). As for that being ナゼ? In addition, if how it does, アセンション being possible? You call to the inquiry of many readers, science and the reporting of the mankind, 叡freely using Satoshi, you answered clearly. 

Crisis of prologue 2012 one February (being wrapped in puzzle of the photon belt,; Encounter other than N)
1st chapter Whether now something occurs on the earth (the large flood damage the large drought; Besides the fact that the worldwide heritage city keeps sinking)
2nd chapter Truth of photon belt (puzzle of 3600 period; The witch other things which predict the end of the earth)
3rd chapter アセンション and indigo child ream (photon belt and abrupt mutation; ニビル was the lump of electricity! Other things)
4th chapter Paradigm shift to the independent individual (from the power which perceives actuality the times when it is required; Does the person who has authority, offer freedom to us? Other things)


RESET: 23rd  December 2012, The Earth is Reset by the Photon BeltRESET - 2012 December 23rd, The Earth is Reset by the Photon Belt - a book in Japanese by Watanabe ...? 

untranslated: RESET―2012年12月23日、地球はフォトン・ベルトによってリセットされる

alternative: RESET2012年12月23日、地球はフォトン・ベルトによってリセットされる

2012 December 23rd, the earth rushes to the "photon belt". The large reform which that time happens. As for earth? And as for mankind? It cannot avoid never, releasing the fact of impact. 

1st Chapter: What is the photon belt? (it is seen on the Milky Way center, the "golden nebula" - discovery of the photon belt; In photographing the photon belt success other things)

2nd Chapter: The influence for us of the 2nd chapter photon belt (influence of photon? Accident of the sun has been observed already; America and Japan, besides the fact that finally it started strengthening observation system) 

3rd Chapter: When rushing to the photon belt, as for the mankind... (the contacter - the empty "photon belt" information; Whether with photon belt thrust, something occurs other things)

4th Chapter: Mayan calendar had predicted this large accident! ? (Puzzle of the Mayan civilization and the Mayan calendar; In the Mayan calendar,besides the fact that there were two types of "long-term calendar" and "short-term calendar") 

5th Chapter: Large reset of space scale starts, (law of evolution and outer space of the mankind; Already besides the fact that photon has collapsed actuality) 


As for the Mayan Calendar - Why is it Ending in December 2012? - a book in Japanese by Tetsu Takahashi

As for Mayan calendar why, ending in 2012 December?

untranslated: マヤの暦はなぜ、2012年12月に終るのか

The Mayan researcher, Tetsu Takahashi, the "conventional Mayan calendar" and "the calendar of エグエイアス husband and wife empty of month of 13" the conclusion which is deduced? "The book of every Mayan is published so far prophecy" compared to, justice and it is funny.
Now when various アセンション theories emerge, "something happening just?" last conclusion.
What "Milky Way intention" as for?
As for adjustment of intention of the earth how being 2013?
As for link with the disappearance of abrupt Mayan people and consciousness of human 2013? And so on, intellectual excitation is remembered.

Introduction - 1988 five end of the month, day of full moon, in Los Angeles
1st chapter Prophecy of the North American ホピ family and doctrine of senior black elk of ラコタfamily
2nd chapter The Mayan person with someone, as for them going out somewhere?
3rd chapter As for the key being somewhere?
4th chapter Mayan prophecy which connects ancient times and today
5th chapter It was read, "the book of seven generations who are lost"
6th chapter シンクロニシティ is pulled up
7th chapter Basis and meaning 2012 are searched
The wheel of epilogue time is closed, - as for end, new start


Terrestrial Large Crash of Puzzle - December 2012 - of Photon Belt - a book in Japanese by Watanabe...?

Alternative: Terrestrial large crash of puzzle - 2012 December of photon belt

untranslated: フォトン・ベルトの謎―201212月の地球大クラッシュ

 2012 December 22nd, solar system after 11000 years rushes to the photon belt, the mankind and today civilization receives end....
The operation where this macrocosm becomes accurate, in a way, successive occurrence of unusual weather and megaseism, the form is already displayed before us.

1st chapter Energy of the puzzle which falls from macrocosm
2nd chapter Terrestrial magnetism disappearance of fear
3rd chapter Another space large accident
4th chapter The day when solar system rushes to the photon belt
5th chapter As for this being scenario of God?
End chapter The survival practice method for the "photon belt"


1.  2012 Solutions Try this instant click for the English translation of a French-Canadian site, (The return of Cosmic Christ, Tantric massage & multidimensional Reiki) or go straight to the un-translated site 

 2.  Global Transformation 2012 The  site of the Light body academy, Switzerland (covering quantum physics & consciousness, transformation of matter, dimensions & consciousness, Reiki balancing) or go to the un-translated site

 3. Up to the year 2012; The Ascent of Mankind 

     - a German book


4. Adventure Land 2012  A French site: about flooding and earth changes – as if written in 2011-2012  or untranslated site

5. Merging Point, by John Craig (Echan Deravy) This book, (see What's new item 13) was published in Japan (in Japanese) in 1993; if you can read Japanese & have read it, please email 2012: Dire Gnosis 

6. 2012 The Mayan Prophecy (2012 La Profecia Maya) by Alberto Beuttenmuller. Spanish Book:The book is a novel written in Spanish and the subtitle (El Relato Apasionante Del Secreto De Una Civilizacion Asombrosa) translates as, "It tells about the exciting secret of an amazing civilisation".

7. The Plumed Serpent (La Serpiente Emplumada) by Alberto Beuttenmuller.   There is now a sequel to 2012: the Mayan Prophecy, subtitled: Second part of 2012: the Mayan Prophecy : New Revelations of the Mayan Prophecy : The Imminent Transition to the Fourth Dimension.Monografía







8. Mayan Initiation Centres 2013  Hunbatz Men's video: (about pyramid secrets & the "new cycle" which is sadly, only available in Spanish), 


9.  LAST PARTS OF The PUZZLE or The SPIRITUAL MISSION OF FRANCE AND EUROPE or OBJECTIVE 2012 a book in French by Claude Traks, author of The Search for the Message of the Dolphins, and organiser of the International Dolphin and Whale Conference, as well as the Objective 2012 Conference. Or try the un-translated site.

10. Mayan Civilization  2012 - Year of Truth   or untranslated

An Italian site that tells of 7 prophecies, if you can find them. I searched for a while...I think they are:

1. In 1992: fear & hatred & slavery: the end is coming.

2. the 1999 Eclipse; shadow represents conflict & division.

3. Heat wave from the sun will cause a wave of conscience about pollution etc.

4. Man must stop predation & start harmony.

5. Fear to be replaced with harmony.

6. Time of dawning = last 13 years – comet/asteroid will appear – possible impact.

7. Unity consciousness.

Not really all prophecies, but I think that's the general gist.


11. Reminiscences 2012    or untranslated

A French novel. In a global metropolis, the young people of the world are being wiped out by a disease, but they find a temporary cure called "Acid", which "makes insane and gives the silver plated eyes". (Didn't this happen in the sixties?)



12. Nostradamus. The apocalyptic decade. The crucial years until 2012.         or untranslated

A German book by Manfred Dimde


13.     Count Down 2012. A Report From The Future

 A German book by by Brit Morf (whether fiction is not known) but it has something to do with the "extraterrestial, geiheimnisvolle world around our earth and outside of our universe"

or untranslated

14. Serial-Word-Ear (SerieWoordenaar.nl)  

English Translation of links page  all pages except Index can be accessed in English from here.

A Dutch site, including pages on the Nazca lines in Peru, The Meaning of the Pyramids in Mexico; 2012-Frequently asked Questions; The Rules of Man; 2012 - Up, up and away?; Construction of the Pyramids in Egypt; 2012 - is that all?: Maths in the pyramid of Cheops; Gods From the Cosmos ...plus a translation page to cut & paste into. Alternative URL

Translation site - just cut & paste

15. 2012 and the Fourth Dimension - The Mayas: an Intergalactic Cuture
                                      Translated from German..  or untranslated

16. 21.12.2012 Masters Cirilo and other Maya priests from Guatemala over the forthcoming time change

17. Excerpts from the book "Up to the Year 2012: The Ascent of Mankind" by Hans Holey (see item 3 above) or untranslated German

18. 2012 Quantum Sprong New!!  translated to English!   a Dutch 2012 site...or untranslated Dutch

19. Pure Insight Chinese 2012 page -  English version, part of a site about the Falun Dafa. Li Honghzi introduced the Falun Dafa in 1992 – correlated to last 20-year period of Maya calendar, it is called the Period of “Fa-Rectification" = 1992 – 2012

 20.  The ascent of the earth into the fifth dimension 2012 by Ute Kretzschmar     In German:    2012- Der Aufstieg der Erde in die fünfte Dimension

  A German book, "Topics like collective consciousness and its coinages • our dual universe and its emergence • time acceleration • the life in the so-called the other world • dual souls • fear of life and changes in the job today • the soul age and much more besides. The masters do not leave a doubt to the fact that this world wants to be acquired by the attitude of any fight, by the readiness for assigning and the fuersorgliche sympathy at the next one."

21. Point-Zero   A French futurist site.                      In French: Point-Zero

22.The Expiry 2012  In French: L'Échéance 2012 or  alternatively:

           The Expiry 2012                  In French: L'Échéance 2012

From here you can access the following essays;

 End of the Maya Calendar in 2012 (by Carlos Barrios)         

Which future for humanity beyond 2012? (by Claude Traks)       

End of Darkness in 2012 (Drain of Kryeon by Lee Carroll)

The advent of the New Era in 2012 according to an Envoy of Deneb 


23. Another Page on Reminiscenses 2012

or.. In French

24.  Anahuac 2012 untranslated: Anahuac 2012

25.  For What Reason 2012? Turkish page  




 Gnostic-2012 links now has its own page



2012: Dire Gnosis