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34. The Pyramid of Kukulcan; a Precessional Alarm Clock.

When the Toltec people moved to Chichen Itza, they merged their own zenith cosmology with the Mayan system, and the result was the Pyramid of Kukulcan. This has been designed so that every year, on Spring Equinox, the afternoon sun causes a shadow play so that it appears that a huge serpent is descending from the sky, down the pyramid. However, John Major Jenkins shows that the pyramid is much more than an equinox indicator. It is a     


   The Pyramid of Kukulcan (El Castillo) at Chichen Itza. Gods of the New Millennium. C. 1996. Alan F. Alford                Shadow-play on the Pyramid of Kukulcan. Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion. C. 1990. Hunbatz Men  

              The Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza                                                The shadow-play can be seen here      

Jenkins says that Kukulcan, (or Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent), was the symbol of a sun-Pleiades-zenith conjunction. Exactly 60 days after the Spring Equinox, on May 20, the zenith passage of the sun takes place over Chichen Itza. The Crotalus rattlesnake, whose pattern is constantly used in Mesoamerican art, has a marking on it which is identical to the Solar ‘Ahau’ glyph of the Maya, and its rattle was called ‘tzab’, which is the same word used for the Pleiades star cluster (see Fig. below).

                                                Zenith cosmology over Chichen Itza. Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. C. 1998. J. M. Jenkins

                                              From John Major Jenkins' essential book, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012

 The moving snake on the Pyramid is an annual reminder of a conjunction of the zenith sun with the Pleiades over Chichen Itza, but this is an event which will occur in a 360-year window of time that is just about to open. Right at the start of the window is 2012 and on May 20 2012, the zenith passage combines with a solar eclipse, on the Tzolkin day 10 Chichan, which means serpent. The winter solstice end-point will be 4 Ahau in the Tzolkin calendar, meaning Lord/Sun, and 3 Kankin in the Haab calendar, which means ‘snake-day’.

                   Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. From The Tutankhamun Prophecies.  C. 1999. Maurice Cotterell                                 Egyptian feathered snake. From The Tutankhamun Prophecies. C. 1999. Maurice Cotterell

                      Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent                                              In Egypt, the Sun was depicted as a feathered snake

35. Birth and Death of Venus. In The Mayan Prophecies Adrian Gilbert said that he used astronomical software called SKYGLOBE to look at the sky as it was at dawn, on 12 August 3114 BC (where he dates the beginning of the Great Cycle). He found that as the Pleiades were on the meridian, the Sun was preceded by Venus as the morning star. This he took to be the mythical “Birth of Venus” associated with the start of the Great Cycle. Just as in ancient Egypt, the dawn rising of Sirius heralded the flooding of the Nile and the beginning of a new year, and the meridian transits of Orion correlated to the First Time and Last Time of Osiris; to the Maya, the meridian transit of the Pleiades announced the “Birth of Venus” as it rose over the horizon.  

Gilbert used SKYGLOBE to check the sky on 22 December 2012 (where he dates the end of the Great Cycle), and found that, just before sunset, as the Pleiades rise over the eastern horizon, Venus sinks below the western horizon. This, he thinks, is the symbolic “Death of Venus”, indicating the start of a new precessional age.   


                                      Gilbert's Birth of Venus. The Mayan prophecies. C. 1995. Adrian Gilbert & Maurice Cotterell

                                                                  Gilbert's "Birth of Venus" sky chart for "12 August 3114 BC".            

Morton and Thomas have repeated this conclusion in Mystery of the Crystal Skulls, (see item 25) and have also supplied the Death of Venus sky chart, which Gilbert had not included in the Mayan Prophecies. They have also adjusted the start and end dates of the Great Cycle by one day to the " Thompson 2" dates that Jenkins has confirmed. 

                                              Death of Venus. The Mystery of The Crystal Skulls. C.1997. Chris Morton & Ceri Louise Thomas

             Morton & Thomas's sky chart for sunset on 21 December 2012, showing "the death of Venus & the birth  of the Pleiades"

However, Jenkins has checked the sky chart for 12 August 3114, on SKYGLOBE and 2 other sources, and found that Gilbert had omitted to double-check his findings, since Venus actually “made its last appearance as the morning star almost two weeks before the Long-Count zero-date”.  It is possible that Gilbert accidentally checked the sky chart for the alternative start-date of August 3113 BC, which is also quoted in The Mayan Prophecies as THE start of the Long Count, but presuming that the software programs are all adjusted for no “year zero” (see Addendum), then it still means that this interpretation of the Birth of Venus (and therefore the Death of Venus too), is in error.  Click her for Jenkins' full unabridged review of the Mayan Prophecies 

                      Immanuel Velikovsky 1895 - 1979. Millennium Prophecies. C. 1994. Carlton Books Ltd                                 Venus' early orbit. The Venus Legacy. C. 1998. (Shane O'Brien). Cumorah Hill    

                                     Velikovsky                                                                        The elliptical orbit of Venus following "her birth"  

Immanuel Velikovsky  has said in his book Worlds in Collision, that the Birth of Venus occurred when Venus was “born” from Jupiter. A cosmic collision caused a part of Jupiter to burst out, becoming a comet, and leaving the famous red spot where it burst out.  This is clearly illustrated in the Greek myth of Athene who sprang from the head of Zeus, making Mount Olympus tremble and stirring the sea, (Athene, reasons Velikovsky, is the planet Venus, and Zeus is the planet Jupiter). Velikovsky dated this event as contemporary with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, explaining the plagues and parting of the Red Sea. Several Mayan and Aztec myths were also cited as evidence, including the fact that Quetzalcoatl, which means feathered serpent, is the well-known name for the planet Venus. It was also called “the star that smoked”. Velikovsky quotes from Brasseur de Bourbourg’s Histoire Des Nations Civilisees du Mexique:

 “…the sun refused to show itself and during four days the world was deprived of light. Then a great star …appeared; it was given the name Quetzal-cohuatl …the sky, to show its anger…caused to perish a great number of people who died of famine and pestilence…It was then…that the people [of Mexico] regulated anew the reckoning of days, nights, and hours, according to the difference in time.”

        Appeasing the plumed serpent. Millennium Prophecies. Steven Skinner. C. 1994. Carlton Books                 

                Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent causes death                       The planet Venus, associated by the Maya & Aztecs with Quetzalcoatl

This would explain the Mayan obsession with Venus, and we can now see why the Birth of Venus has been associated with the start of the Great Cycle. However, Velikovsky dated the event around 1500 BC with the Exodus. Graham Phillips has also convincingly explained the events of the Exodus as side-effects of the eruption of the volcano Thera (in his book Act of God), but Nigel Appleby has unified the theories with that of Nibiru, the tenth planet (see item 27).

                                     The orbit of Nibiru. The 12th Planet. C. 1976. Zecharia Sitchin

The existence of Nibiru was postulated by Zecharia Sitchin in his book The Twelfth Planet-(12 counting the Sun and Moon). Ancient Sumerian mythology implies that there is a large planet –Nibiru- on an elliptical orbit, which enters the solar system every 3,600 years. Velikovsky and Sitchin actually used the same Sumerian myth as part of the evidence for their respective theories (the Marduk and Tiamat myth). According to Sitchin’s chronology, the next return is due in 3400-3600 AD. 

  Appleby suggests that it was Nibiru that caused the disasters of the Exodus as it “shunted both Earth and Mars close to each other’s orbit…” and that it was this which triggered the eruption of Thera. However, Velikovsky didn’t say Mars was involved in the original Birth of Venus incident, but two later ones around 700 BC. Anyway, it IS an interesting idea, since it provides a large passing body to interfere with Jupiter and cause the ejection of Venus. What is more, it would mean that Nibiru is due to return soon (1500 BC to 2000 AD =3500 years), as Appleby suggested: 2012 - 2036 (see item 27).

  If we prefer  to correlate the Birth of Venus incident to 3114 BC, then the implication is that the Great Cycle is measuring the period of return of some OTHER huge planetoid (see items 8 & 10), due in 2012, on Snake Day.



36. Remote Viewing. On the Internet, there is a website called "", and in the FAQ section, we find the following:

"Why do you assert that time is ending?"

Actually what is ending is the perception that time is "linear and absolute". In fact time exists many forms,        none of them real except in the subjective sense.                            

At the end of the present cycle, humanity will learn to keep cosmic time, galactic time, and quantum time, as well as to gain a more sophisticated understanding of solar time… just to name a few perceptual modes.

 So you got us on this one - "time" isn't ending… but it sounds better and is more concise than the preceding two paragraph explanation. is a symbolic reference to post-shift consciousness - it is NOT a year in the Gregorian calendar scheme of things.

 "I just heard that it is a consensus among "remote viewers" that nothing can be "seen" after the year 2012. Is that because of the nature of the new time?"

                       Remote viewing target - airforce jet - and "bullseye" drawing                                                  Remote viewing target - bulding in St. Petersburg - and another "direct hit" drawing

                                                                     Remote viewing targets and direct hits

That's right. It also has a lot to do with the nature of physical events "beyond" 2012.

"After" the year 2012, there is no lapse in time between a thoughtform and its corresponding 3D eventform.

So, if a remote viewer in 1997 cannot see beyond 2012 it is to a large degree because the world(s) beyond 2012 have not been conceived of yet, or we are just perceiving/creating them now… THAT is the nature of the new time. (See item 24)



37. Alchemists and Masons. A forthcoming book called A Monument to the End of Time, by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, concerns an unusual stone cross which is located in a town called Hendaye in the French Pyrenees.  Before the book was published, John Major Jenkins  mentioned it in one of his lectures, since he had read the unpublished manuscript, and said the authors have concluded that encoded into the cross is knowledge of the solstice sun/galactic centre alignment of 2012. The book includes discussion of  the end of time, alchemy, and light bodies. Jay Weidner has been appearing with Jenkins recently, at some of his American lecture dates.

                      The "Cyclic Cross of Hendaye" The Unexplained. C. 1980,1982. Orbis Publishing Ltd                                     The four panels of the Cyclic Cross of Hendaye, exploded outwards to give an overview. The Fulcanelli Phenomenon. C. 1980. Kenneth Rayner Johnson.  

The alchemist Fulcanelli, hinted in his 1926 book Le Mystere des Cathedrales, that on the cross is encoded a warning of "a purifying fire that will soon consume the Northern Hemisphere".

                                                        The Latin anagram ; "Lord of Sirius, Hail, Down from Dog". The Fulcanelli Phenomenon.  C. 1980. Kenneth Rayner Johnson
                                                                                       The key to deciphering the anagram. The Fulcanelli Phenomenon. C. 1980. Kennerth Rayner Johnson               

Paul Mevryl has written an essay on the "Cyclic Cross of Hendaye", which is printed as an afterword in The Fulcanelli Phenomenon, by Kenneth Rayner Johnson. Mevryl suggests several possible interpretations of the cross. These scenarios concern solar flares triggered by the Grand Cross of August 1999, (which hasn't happened, so we should be alright on that one), or the approach of an elliptically-orbiting planet between Sirius and our Sun. I have independently found a load of evidence to support this one; keep a lookout on the extracts from Omega Point page - especially Chapter 4 - The Wormhole of Daath.  Note the quincunx panel with central large angry Sun, reminiscent of the Aztec Sunstone.  Update: Book reviewed at Whats New item 21

 (Frank Zappa connection?) (and while we're on the subject...Jimi Hendrix asteroid prophecy)


38. The Dendera Zodiac. Astrologer John Lash gave a lecture at the Alternative Egypt Questing Conference in October 99, in which he claimed that there were originally 13 signs in the zodiac, the 13th being "The Snake Handler". Instead of splitting the ecliptic into 12 equally sized sections, there were 13 sections of different sizes, depending on the sizes of the constellations. Once this is taken into account, we see that the Sun's vernal equinox will not transit from Pisces to Aquarius, for another 700 to 800 years.

      The Circular Zodiac of Dendera. Sacred Science by R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz. C. 1961. Lucie Lamy.                            The zodiac is "disposed about an eccentric circle with one center at the pole of the ecliptic (nipple of the female hippopotamus) and the other at the pole star (jackal or dog)". John Anthony West is not entirely convinced by Schwaller's theory, but does have an explanation  for Cancer being the odd sign out. When the temple was built, the Egyptian New Year began at the heliacal rising of Sirius, within the sign of Cancer. The New Year was celebrated at Dendera, and the temple was aligned tp the heliacal rising of Sirius (represented twice - between the horns of Hathor, on a line touching Cancer, and also as a falcon on the axis of the temple. Serpent in the Sky. C. 1993. John Anthony West

   The circular zodiac on the ceiling of the Temple at Denderah, Egypt                Some of the zodiac signs are displaced from their usual ............................................................................................................................................ positions along the eccentric circle of the ecliptic, and                                                                                                                                              seem to be arranged on a circle round the pole star .

.......................................................................................................................................................................John Anthony West

 The circular zodiac on the ceiling of the Temple at Denderah, in Egypt shows the 12 signs, the Snake Handler without the snake, several other constellations, the five visible planets, and the 36 decans.  The Egyptologist R.A. Schwaller De Lubicz (in Sacred Science), has shown that the Denderah Zodiac demonstrates that the Egyptians knew about the precession of the equinoxes. The axes marked on the zodiac show the movement of solstices and equinoxes through the constellations between the foundation of Egypt and the time of the building of the Denderah Temple. Sirius appears twice - once on the true North-South axis, above the horns of the "cow of Isis", and also on the axis of the temple, as Horus on a papyrus stem. The light of the star would illumine the inner temple on New Year's Day, at the heliacal rising, when the temple was built. At that era, this would have coincided with the summer solstice in Cancer, which is why Sirius also appears aligned to Cancer on the North-South axis.

         Zodiac highlighted, with the extra axes, bringing attention to the coming Galactic Solstice. C. 1961. Lucie Lamy         Double rams heads show position of today's equinox axis. C. 1961. Lucie Lamy

  Detail showing the axes, and the 90 degree line through Galactic Centre, between Scorpio & Sagitarius               Double rams' heads

John Lash points out another axis on the Dendera Zodiac, which goes from the four rams' heads, through Pisces, across the pole to the star Spica, being held by Virgo. This, he says, is pointing out the position of the vernal equinox today. The line goes through the Square of Pegasus, which has writing on it - "the Programmes of Destiny" (I had previously associated this square with the "Wormhole of Daath").  At exactly 90 degrees to this axis, another line can be drawn through the tip of the arrow of Sagittarius, which points to Galactic Centre, where the solstice alignment will occur in 2012. John Lash's Dendera theory is summed up in his own words in Colin Wilson's book, Atlantis Blueprint.