2012 NEWS  31 January 2002

(from 2012: Dire Gnosis) www.diagnosis2012.co.uk

Have you joined Time Wave Zero 2012?

Time Wave Zero 2012

Geoff Stray (webmaster of Dire Gnosis) is a co-founder of the club, Time Wave Zero 2012, and you are invited to join it and participate in the web’s most active 2012 discussion group. There is NO charge; you don’t even have to have emails delivered if you don’t want – just visit the site to read the latest. If you have any questions, new information, or just want to read what others are saying, just invent a unique web-name & check in. (You can’t have straydog2012, - that’s me)

 New on What's New : www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/new2.htm :



New on 2012 links: www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/link.htm






Reminder: On 2012 Events: www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/events.htm


·        Talk by Geoff Stray called “What does Santa Claus know about the Mayan Calendar?”

               Sussex, UK, 21 Feb 2002


·        Talk by Laurence Lucas, called, “The Earth is Mutating”.

Sussex, UK, 19 Mar 2002




New on 2012 Books: www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/books.htm


·         The Shaman’s Prophecy


·         By the way, don’t get confused between the following books:

·         The Mayan prophecies (item2)

·         The Shaman’s Prophecy (2012 Books)

·         The Orion Prophecies (What’s new 39)

·         2012 – The Mayan prophecy (What’s new 34)



Coming soon…


A review of Rick Strassman’s book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, by Caroline Taylor exclusively for        2012:Dire Gnosis


 A prelude to The 21st Century Book of the Dead.........Laurence Lucas

As a prelude to his forthcoming book, Laurence presents a bold, encompassing overview of the exciting opportunities available to us all at the end of the Mayan calendar, in the form of 5 short thought provoking essays written exclusively for 2012: Dire Gnosis

Part 1.....2012:  Introduction to the Galactic-Shamanic Paradigm.... upload February

Part 2.....Information overload ?..................................................................  .upload April

Part 3....The Mayans.....................................................................................….upload May

Part 4.....Why Galactic ?..................................................................................  upload June

Part 5.....The Astrology of 2012........................................................................upload July


 BACK TO 2012: DIRE GNOSIS                                PREVIOUS 2012 NEWS